You may view the Interment Index at historic Prospect Hill Cemetery Nantucket by lot number, interment name, date of death (when available), date of birth (when available), day/date of interment (when available) and the section of Prospect Hill where the lot is located. Choose “data sort” on the spreadsheet and select the heading you wish to search. Recent interments may not be on the list. Check back for updated index.
Please note that this database of those interred at Prospect Hill is not complete. Some names may be missing. To complete our records we continue to photograph markers and monuments and add the information to the database.
If you have any questions please feel free to call us at (508) 825-9955, Jeff Morash, Cemetery Superintendent at (508)-228-7371, or email at [email protected]. Our mailing address is: Prospect Hill Cemetery Association, Inc., P. O. Box 3066, Nantucket, MA 02584.
Historic Prospect Hill Cemetery Nantucket, Massachusetts is a nonsectarian and not-for-profit cemetery association open to all. We have columbarium, burial lots and estates available. For detailed information please visit our “A Guide to Burial at Prospect Hill Cemetery” page.
The Prospect Hill Cemetery Association is a 501 (c)(3) Tax Exempt Organization and a 501 (c)(13)
Tax Exempt Cemetery.
To view PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY INTERMENT INDEX please click on the highlighted link.
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